Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Blog Post 4

History of Motion Pictures

Over a century of technological advancement, creative expression, and cultural influence have all been a part of the history of motion pictures. It all started in the 19th century with the development of tools like the Phenakistoscope and zoetrope, which used sequential pictures to provide the appearance of motion. These initial trials established the foundation for the advancement of motion image technology. 

Motion picture technology advanced greatly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries thanks to innovators like Thomas Edison, Louis Le Prince, and the Lumière brothers

Le Prince is credited with taking the first motion picture with a single-lens camera in 1888, while Edison and his assistant William Kennedy Laurie Dickson invented the             Kinetoscope, a device for viewing moving pictures, in 1891. The cinema industry as we know it today began in 1895 when the Lumière brothers presented the first projected motion picture presentation for the general public.

Filmmakers such as Georges Méliès and Edwin S. Porter experimented with special effects and storytelling methods throughout the silent cinema period, setting the groundwork for storytelling in filmmaking. Motion picture synchronized sound was first introduced with the "talkies" movement of the late 1920s, which changed the business. One example of this evolution is the 1927 release of "The Jazz Singer".

Digital Camera
During Hollywood's Golden Age, famous filmmakers like D.W. Griffith rose to fame and legendary movies like "Gone with the Wind" (1939) were released. Technological developments like as widescreen formats and Technicolor emerged in the postwar era, while independent cinema and New Hollywood thrived in the 1960s and 1970s.

The widespread use of digital cameras, computer-generated imagery (CGI), and revolutionary editing tools have transformed filmmaking in the digital age. Movies still attract viewers across the globe today, changing to keep up with the times while maintaining the rich tradition and history of the film industry.

If you are still interested here is a great video I found on the history of cinema:

Impact of Motion Pictures

The way we interact, entertain, and comprehend the world around us has all been greatly influenced by filmmaking. Motion pictures have transformed many areas of society and culture since their invention in the late 19th century and continue to do so in the current digital era.

The power movies have to amuse and educate us is among the most important ways they change our world. Movies offer an outlet for escape, enabling viewers to lose themselves in stories and experiences that go beyond their own existence. They are an effective storytelling tool that lets filmmakers communicate complex stories, feelings, and concepts to a large audience.

Additionally, movies have been essential in capturing accounts of history and preserving cultural events. (ex. Schindler's List 1993). Audiences can see important events, ranging from social movements and scientific breakthroughs to wars and revolutions, through documentaries and news footage. By preserving our collective memory, we are better able to comprehend and take lessons from the past.

Motion films have completely changed the way we convey and share information in terms of communication. Through film, audiences around the world can learn about cultures that are different from their own. They communicate feelings and concepts that connect with individuals from all walks of life, acting as a kind of universal language.

Along with all of its advantages, movies have led to worries about any possible disadvantages. Films, according to critics, have the power to reinforce stereotypes, encourage violence, and have an impact on social behavior—especially for young audiences. Furthermore, concerns concerning the effects of excessive screen time on mental health and social relationships have been highlighted by the growth of digital media and streaming platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, etc. 

Despite these challenges, movies still have a significant impact on our society, expressing the complexity of humanity and inspiring important debates. It is critical to acknowledge the ability of movies to inspire, inform, and bring people together on a global scale as we navigate the constantly changing media and digital world.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Blog Post 3

In the United States of America, there are eight values of free expression, each serving an important purpose. These eight values include: Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. The Eight Values of Free Expression are collectively important because they form the foundation for a vibrant, inclusive, and democratic society. 

The two values that resonate most with me are the Marketplace of Ideas and Individual Self-Fulfillment.

Here is an overview of why these two are important:

Marketplace of Ideas

  • Fosters Diversity of Thought
  • Encourages Debate and Dialog
  • Promotes Accountability
  • Strengthens Democracy 
  • Protects Individual Liberties 
  • Encourages Social Progression
  • Preserves Pluralism 
Individual Self-Fulfillment 
  • Personal Liberty 
  • Democratic Values
  • Innovation and Progress
  • Diversity and Pluralism
  • Resilience and Adaptability
  • Human Flourishing 

The significance of people being free to openly express their ideas, opinions, and goals without worrying about retaliation or censorship is acknowledged by both of these values. The idea of the marketplace of ideas highlights the need for a diversity of perspectives and opinions to promote informed decision-making and social advancement. In contrast, the concept of individual self-fulfillment highlights the innate human need to pursue personal growth, creativity, and pleasure through self-expression. 

As I stated in my first blog post, I enjoy using TikTok as a primary news source because anyone regardless of gender, race, religion, sexuality, situation, etc. can share their opinions and report on any events from their perspective. This allows me and all users to get as many angles of the specific incident as possible before coming to their own personal conclusions. Without this value of freedom of expression, our country wouldn't be able to hear from every demographic which would hurt our democracy significantly. 

Individual self-fulfillment has strengthened the fabric of our society and improved democracy by allowing individuals to participate more actively in the political process. People get more involved in the political life of their nation and the well-being of their communities when they are encouraged to follow their passions, voice their opinions, and use their special abilities in public. 

Examples of when Americans implemented their freedom 
of expression rights:
These examples showed how citizens could voice their complaints, push for change, and hold institutions responsible, which made them essential for our nation's freedom of speech. Through the use of their rights to petition, expression, and assembly, Americans have pushed back against injustice, increased civil freedoms, and achieved social development.
These movements have promoted civic engagement and political involvement, reinforcing the fundamental ideas of freedom and democracy on which our country was founded.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Blog Post 2

  I found learning about the Supreme Court to be an interesting experience, especially considering my previous lack of knowledge of the subject. The Comm3390 Supreme Court films on YouTube gave insightful insights into the inner workings of our nation's top court. I thought of the quote made by Justice David H. Souter, "You only start doing your work properly when you forget that you're here...and that takes a few years," which really captured the commitment and immersion needed to be an effective part of the Court. Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney's historic decision in the Dred Scott case—which decided that Congress lacked the power to outlaw slavery—proved the Court's historical influence on American law, even if it weakened the Court's authority for several years. Revisiting the history that Dred Scott made in American history while studying the fundamentals of our Supreme Court system was an intriguing perspective.

        One of the most surprising and important details I learned was the sheer volume of petitions and cases that the court handles. The thought of nine individuals having to thoroughly analyze, understand, conclude, and give equally fair opportunities for anything handed to them sounds extremely overwhelming.  It is an incredible responsibility that these individuals have to take on. Hearing from the justices themselves really changed my perspective of the Supreme Court and what kind of people are making these life-changing decisions. Luckily I felt as though these Justices’ were up to the challenge knowing the conclusions they make have a huge impact on the lives of millions of people.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Blog Post 1


    Instagram's informal, entertaining, and familiar structure has made it one of my favorite places to get my news. Compared to traditional news sources, Instagram uses photos, videos, and short captions to give updates on a variety of topics in an easy-to-read and interactive style. My news stream is also personalized by the platform's algorithm according to my personal interests, so

I always get updates on topics that interest me. I can also follow a variety of voices and opinions on Instagram, which gives me access to a wider range of news sources and points of view (including browsing the comments section). I can stay updated about current events as they happen with the stories feature, making it a great tool for keeping up with the fast-paced world we live in currently. 


    Similar to Instagram, I also enjoy using TikTok as one of my primary news sources. The two overlap in many ways including the use of their strategic algorithm ensuring I’m staying updated on topics I am genuinely interested in at the moment. They both offer the opportunity for any user to speak on any topic and usually allow comments from the entire TikTok community, which gives room for a wide range of views and anyone to contribute to the discussion. However, TikTok is strictly videos and has recently allowed select profiles to upload ten-minute videos as opposed to the usual thirty seconds. I usually use TikTok over Instagram when I have spare time or want a more in-depth viewpoint of a topic.


    When I feel like I need a professional news source I typically rely on The New York Times. First of all, I trust the reliability and honesty of the information I get because of its reputation for journalism. Second, The New York Times offers me a thorough understanding of current events by covering various subjects, including culture, science, technology, and domestic and foreign news. Although I will say it is rare that I opt for The New York Times daily due to the convenience of Instagram and TikTok, I still consider it my top choice for traditional news sources. 

New York Times

Every now and again, I use The Guardian as one of my primary news sources because of its unique perspective and thorough reporting on world events. The progressive position and investigative journalism of The Guardian give an original take on current affairs, though I frequently rely on other sources. I am more familiar with the complexity of social justice issues, environmental concerns, and international politics due to its in-depth coverage, which is commonly in line with my interests and beliefs. 

The Guardian

More often than not when I’m home I will utilize my family’s cable TV and find myself watching CBS (usually because it’s already on). CBS's television broadcasts are a useful and easily available source for breaking news updates or brief summaries of current events when I'm home. The network's seasoned reporters deliver news with professionalism and clarity, which makes it simple for me to understand the main ideas of a story. I can also be confident that I'm up to date on various subjects thanks to CBS's thorough coverage of both domestic and international news, including politics, the economy, health, and entertainment.  


Final Blog Post

 In this generation you can find almost anyone in the world online with just one simple search. I personally am an avid user of social media...