Sunday, March 24, 2024

Blog Post 3

In the United States of America, there are eight values of free expression, each serving an important purpose. These eight values include: Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent. The Eight Values of Free Expression are collectively important because they form the foundation for a vibrant, inclusive, and democratic society. 

The two values that resonate most with me are the Marketplace of Ideas and Individual Self-Fulfillment.

Here is an overview of why these two are important:

Marketplace of Ideas

  • Fosters Diversity of Thought
  • Encourages Debate and Dialog
  • Promotes Accountability
  • Strengthens Democracy 
  • Protects Individual Liberties 
  • Encourages Social Progression
  • Preserves Pluralism 
Individual Self-Fulfillment 
  • Personal Liberty 
  • Democratic Values
  • Innovation and Progress
  • Diversity and Pluralism
  • Resilience and Adaptability
  • Human Flourishing 

The significance of people being free to openly express their ideas, opinions, and goals without worrying about retaliation or censorship is acknowledged by both of these values. The idea of the marketplace of ideas highlights the need for a diversity of perspectives and opinions to promote informed decision-making and social advancement. In contrast, the concept of individual self-fulfillment highlights the innate human need to pursue personal growth, creativity, and pleasure through self-expression. 

As I stated in my first blog post, I enjoy using TikTok as a primary news source because anyone regardless of gender, race, religion, sexuality, situation, etc. can share their opinions and report on any events from their perspective. This allows me and all users to get as many angles of the specific incident as possible before coming to their own personal conclusions. Without this value of freedom of expression, our country wouldn't be able to hear from every demographic which would hurt our democracy significantly. 

Individual self-fulfillment has strengthened the fabric of our society and improved democracy by allowing individuals to participate more actively in the political process. People get more involved in the political life of their nation and the well-being of their communities when they are encouraged to follow their passions, voice their opinions, and use their special abilities in public. 

Examples of when Americans implemented their freedom 
of expression rights:
These examples showed how citizens could voice their complaints, push for change, and hold institutions responsible, which made them essential for our nation's freedom of speech. Through the use of their rights to petition, expression, and assembly, Americans have pushed back against injustice, increased civil freedoms, and achieved social development.
These movements have promoted civic engagement and political involvement, reinforcing the fundamental ideas of freedom and democracy on which our country was founded.

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