Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Final Blog Post

 In this generation you can find almost anyone in the world online with just one simple search. I personally am an avid user of social media apps such as Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, and Facebook. I use these apps to post pictures and videos of my friends and I and to stay in touch with people I don't see often. I have learned and noticed that every post I publish, every search I make, and everything I like or click on is information being used by these apps and anyone with access to the internet. 

When thinking about my experiences with my online accounts persona a specific event came to mind. One morning after having a sleepover in my basement I woke up to my Mom yelling for me to come upstairs... and she did not seem happy. It turns out someone used my name and photos from my Instagram to create a new account... but that's not the worst part. The person had put in the bio under my name that I had an explicit content platform which was obviously not true or legal given the fact I was only sixteen years old. I rushed to my phone and had concerned messages from over 25 people asking if the account was me. I was extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable especially because this account had been requesting to follow many of my family members. I ended up having to post on all of my real platforms the fake account and begging people to help me by reporting it. Eventually the account got removed but I will never forget how terrified I was that morning.

Here is an article I recommend that will help you protect your privacy online:

Privacy on Social Media Guards Against Identity Theft

This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of protecting my online persona and personal information. Being alert and cautious is crucial for preventing identity theft and unauthorized access to any online accounts. This event also brought attention to the possible risks that come from social media and the simplicity with which one could pose as someone else online. It is critical that we all keep a close eye on our internet presence and act quickly to stop any fraudulent behavior. It is also very important to be careful what you post because, as my Mom always says, "Nothing is erasable, even when you think you have erased it". This is a lesson I still live by and even more so today with technology continuously progressing. 

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Final Blog Post

 In this generation you can find almost anyone in the world online with just one simple search. I personally am an avid user of social media...