Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Age of AI Blog Post

 Watching the documentary "In The Age of AI", was extremely interesting and educational because of how prominent AI has become and continues to be. There are many positive ways that AI has on our society but in my opinion the negatives out way the positives. In today's world, artificial intelligence brings some serious problems that we need to worry about. One big issue is privacy. AI can sometimes access our personal information without permission, which can lead to privacy violations. Another concern is whether AI is being used in a fair and ethical way. Sometimes, AI systems can be biased and treat people unfairly. Then there's the risk of cyber attacks. Bad actors might try to hack into AI systems to steal information or cause harm. Also, different countries are competing to develop AI, which could lead to more conflicts and even weapons that use AI. Lastly, there's the danger of online scams and identity theft. AI can make it easier for criminals to steal personal information and use it for illegal purposes. These problems show why it's so important to have rules and safeguards in place to protect people from the negative impacts of AI.

Here is a list that showcases the pros and cons stated above:


-Efficiency and Productivity 


-Personalized Experiences 


-Data Privacy Concerns

-Ethical Use 

-Cybersecurity Risks

-Geopolitical Competitions

-Online Security/ Identity Theft

-Protecting Personal Information

Overall it is important to be careful nowadays with your technology and to be aware of the negative implications of AI.

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